“If God be for us, who can be against us?”
Any Christian who has ever found themselves in a sticky situation should know this scripture, because when the going gets tough, the tough gets going – and to keep moving, you need to have God on your side.
Ever gone through a situation and thought, why me? Like what could I have possibly done to deserve all this, or even, who did I offend? Sometimes you feel like you’re being battered on every side and the beaters don’t even give you a minute to catch your breath between screams. All you feel is pain, whilst anxiety grips your throat and leaves you struggling for dear life.
But you’re not alone.
Even in the bleakest of situations, you are not alone. Even when you are actually at fault He’ll come through for you – “He delivers even the one who is not innocent” (Job 22:30a). My point is that you have to have faith. You have to believe that the God you serve is bigger than any man who poses a threat to your well-being. You have to believe that so long as God is on your side, there’s nothing anyone can do to you that isn’t already in the Will of God. He knows your end from the beginning and so of course He knew you were going to hit a few bumps in the road – that doesn’t mean that you’ll be halted permanently by them.
Hold on to your faith and watch Him work wonders.
Just hold on.