Hello hello, how I’ve missed this feature, yeah I know I was only here last week but I still miss it nevertheless, it’s been a tough month y’all and we only just got to half of it, I wonder how the average Nigerian is getting by with the progressive worsening of the economy, and to those poor souls who lost their lives in the Orlando shoot out, may God rest their souls and give their family the fortitude to bear the loss.
As you guys know, your comments, questions and answers mean a lot to me and I need your help with something. A friend of mine came to me recently and told me something I felt I should share ‘I’ve been really scared lately, of so many things. I literally have to go to bed or listen to music just to stop the thoughts flowing through my head since I don’t drink, I feel like fish out of water whenever I think about why I’m here or what I’m doing, it has gotten to a point where I literally feel sick whenever I wake up to repeat yesterday today and know I’ll repeat today tomorrow, the cycle is killing me slowly, what do you think it is?’
My question is this, what are you scared of? Why do you fear what you fear? What makes want to live to fight another day? If you have difficulty uploading your comments/answers on the blog, you can send it to my personal mail glowrrhea@gmail.com. I look forward to learning from you guys.
So long, Gloria.