It was a cold saturday evening, I came back from work very tired. I strolled into the sitting room and met everybody in the house watching Jenifa’s diary. They were all laughing uncontrollably like they just inhaled laughing gas. I thought to myself this is what I need after a long day’s work so I joined in watching. As everybody was laughing at the funny scenes being portrayed, I couldn’t help but notice the
lessons inherent in this hilarious sitcom. While we laugh,let’s not forget that there are a lot of lessons to learn from this movie.
This article will highlight 6 lessons to be learnt from Season 2, episode 1 and 2.
– Beauty without brains is nothing:
It is evident that the character ANNIE is beautiful but her beauty was no match for her brain. She was rude, selfish, lazy, arrogant just to mention a few. Beauty will attract a man but you need much more than beauty to keep him. Emulate Abigail in the bible who was described in 1 Samuel 25:3 as a woman with beauty and intelligence.
– Respect your man and his family:
Respect the family of your spouse. Annie in this series was shown to be disrespectful to her man and his family. Her arrogant attitude drove a wedge between her and her man. To gain respect you have to learn to give it. To keep your man, you have to learn to respect him
and his family.
– Tell people what they need to hear not what they want to hear:
The character Mabel who was the elder sister of Annie told Annie the bitter truth when she was looking for someone to justify her bad
behaviour. Tell people the bitter truth, it can change their life for good. The truth can help them come to realization that they are doing
bad and change their ways. Mabel said and I quote: “love me or hate me I will always tell you the truth” – that is a good attitude to emulate.
– Accept the truth:
Accept the truth and take to correction so that you can grow. Annie accepted the truth that she had a bad attitude which almost ruined
her relationship. Her acceptance of the truth triggered the desire to better herself and grow. It paid off at the end as she was able to save her relationship with her man.
– Always Apologize:
Apology is a regretful acknowledgement of an offence or failure. It is a statement saying you are sorry about something. Learn to apologize when you have done something wrong. Swallow your pride, Starve your ego and apologize. Annie apologised for all the wrong things she had done to her man and she was forgiven. Apologizing doesn’t make you look weak, it is a pointer to the fact that you are
mature and a peace maker.
– Crisis is an opportunity to grow:
Crises always forces development. It provides a powerful motivation to
change. Our greatest periods of growth usually comes during a crisis. Annie was in a stage of crisis – (she was about to lose her man). She
was forced to change for the better. This is the silver lining of a crisis.
To the ladies out there, it is of paramount importance to note that you have to be submissive to your man. Love him treat him well and make sure you have a good character. If you are beautiful and badly behaved no reasonable man will want you to be his life partner. As a lady you must also have something doing, don’t be a liability to your
man, don’t be lazy at doing house chores. Insulate yourself from friends that won’t help you to grow. Read more books on relationship/marriage it will help you. If Annie in the movie had read books or attended marriage seminars she would have learnt one or two helpful things. Above all don’t forget to feed on God’s word and be a doer of his word. Christianity is not just a creed it involves action.
By Owotumi Joe (@joejaydoe)