Hello everyone,
This belatedly is Mondays are for butterflies, have you ever made some decisions without paying them a second thought and have them come biting you in the posterior with ripple effect?
This was my weekend, it hurt but at the same time gave me a bunch of lessons, I’m in a position of trying to make some very hard choices in my journey towards growth, and if you read anything of mine, you’ll perceive how scared I am to make the wrong ones because tomorrow is just a continuation of today. Sometimes I am scared to leave the old and familiar behind, stepping into the unknown isn’t easy for anyone I imagine.
So what does one do when life forces you out of your comfort zone;
1. Pray:
I find that in my moments of despair, this is the very one thing that gives me a lot of comfort, there are times though when God seems silent, but if you believe in a higher power, you know it’s less about your feelings and more about faith, it is the substance of things we hope for, the very evidence of things yet to come to pass, it defies logical reasoning regardless of what the popular opinion on it is. Talk to God, you never know if he’s silent because he’s busy listening to you.
Listening is less about hearing than it us about insight, you just gotta get a discerning spirit and how do you get that, refer to number 1. You have to listen to yourself, your environment and the experiences around you.
3.Seek Advice:
You can’t go it alone, trust me I’ve tried it, a number of people have, things just don’t work that way, if you see any successful person who tells you they succeeded all by themselves, they’re outrightly lying to you. Don’t be ashamed to ask for advice, if anyone judges you for it, it’s on them not you.
4. Accountability
Make yourself accountable to people who genuinely have your interest at heart: I can’t even overemphasize this enough, find the people who genuinely care about you and are preferably more experienced and versed than you are and make yourself accountable to them, this is a very important part of your growth process and decision making.
In the end, don’t beat yourself up if things don’t go the way you want. Trust God and trust your journey, it’ll lead you to where you’re meant to be.