In a movie I was watching the other day, some guy who owned a club was telling his wife “You’ve got to start dressing like you own this place and not like you’re trying to get in for free”. That statement so got me thinking, I had to replay the scene.They say “You will be addressed the way you dress”. Though I feel my parents exaggerate overflagh and overstretch this saying, there’s still a lot of truth in it.
In the corporate world especially but in life generally, everything you do makes a statement: the way you talk; the time you resume; the phone you use; the neighborhood you live in; your appearance – they all say something.
I noticed that in a bank, the staff need no introduction as you can actually pick out the CSO, the cleaner, the cashier, the branch manager or the CEO even if they all put on suits. The way the CSO will put on his suit will always be different from the way the CEO will put on his.
You might claim that it’s not about the appearance; it’s about what you’ve got inside and what you can do. But the truth is that you may never get the chance to change a bad first impression. Sometimes you never just get the chance to show your prospective target what you’ve got if your packaging is bad.
The only thing between where you are right now and where you want to be might just be a simple good impression. I dare you to dress like you own the zone. Dress like you rule the space. Get dressed for your next level.
iKeys Green