Trust me; we’ve all done this at some point in our lives.
I want you to think back; when you first saw the person. Something about them gives you that feeling, or the prompt to approach them. Or, if you’re on the receiving end, you did not expect to be approached by someone like that. One day it happens! You share contact details and keep in touch here and there. You decide to meet up, for dinners, shopping sprees, and oh, don’t forget the trip to the cinema! Next thing you’re buying gifts for Valentines Day, birthdays and Christmas. No doubts about it: you really care for this person.
And then it happens; the three magic words.
“I love you.”
It makes you feel even more secure. Sooner or later a relationship is formed and things are heading towards the right direction.
Relationships today are tough work; some could say that it involves what can be offered or what can be given. For some, it’s on the road towards marriage, for others it’s just to “see how things go”. If not, maybe just a good solid friendship. Unfortunately, as we all know, the relationship may go south and heartbreak follows; a pain many go through on more than one occasion. However, some may get over it and promise to not to let someone get as close as that until things are set in the right places before commitment.
Despite saying this, at some point they will get involved with another person and the cycle continues.
Maybe you are in a new relationship now, and yes, I can see you smiling! It’s going well and you are so grateful! Maybe because you’ve discovered the secret to having a happy fulfilling relationship!
Or maybe, at the moment, you’re tired, fed up and always asking yourself: What exactly is love?
It is found and explained in 1 Corinthians 13: 4-7 (NCV):
Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous, it does not boast, and it is not proud. Love is not rude, is not selfish and does not get upset with others. Love does not count up wrongs that have been done. Love is not happy with evil but is happy with the truth. Love patiently accepts all things. It always trusts, always hopes and always remains strong.
You’re thinking back now, did that person truly love me?
Or maybe you’re in a relationship now, and you cannot account for being 100% patient and kind and jealous and proud and not rude and not selfish and….(you get the point…).
Let’s be frank, it would be amazing to find a person who loves in the same manner stated in 1 Corinthians 13: 4 – 7. Guess what? There is such a person!
His name is Jesus.
And where does this love come from you say?
This love comes from the one who loved us first; God! Please read 1 John 4: 7- 21 if you don’t believe me!
Simply put; the world’s idea of love isn’t the right form of love; the sort where you’re constantly giving, giving, giving and putting in work-work-work-work-work and feeling empty and having nothing to show for it. Yet, we are not perfect beings, and we will falter in showing this form of love. Don’t worry young one, you’re older and wiser now and there is this special gift called the Holy Spirit which will help you and push you to being able to show this type of love in any situation. All it takes is a willing heart and a discerning mind.
Spend enough time with God and He will show you how to love in the correct way, whether it is in a relationship or just being a good friend.
You gotta be with Jesus to love like He did, and with the same reason; to show the world what true love is. Take a look around you. We need people to love like He does because there are people out there, hidden with a sense of dread and pain within their hearts, believing or have been made to feel that they are unlovable.
Let us start with the first point of contact; the perfect love in Jesus Christ. Let Him fill you up with this wonderful gift of unconditional love. Submit yourselves to His love and He’ll take it from there.
Trust me, it works. He works and He will continue working until the day He comes back.
Until then, my younger brother and sister, be bold, yes, be courageous! Go forth now and love like Jesus. He wants you to do it, and someone out there needs you to do it.
God bless.