Hi everyone,
Oops, it’s Monday again! I know that feeling, tell your lazy self you have five active days to be active, so be active.
My name is Gloria, because I glow with pride, and I write this column – I’ve been playing truant for the past two weeks I know, I know and I hope that today makes up for it. Let’s get to it then.
This is for you;
Do you know how to chain a large elephant and keep it chained regardless of it’s size? Well if you want to start a circus, you’re gonna need it, don’t worry your friendly neighborhood butterfly is here to help. You take a baby elephant and chain it to the ground and you leave it there. A baby elephant is born free and doesn’t know what bondage is, so it initially tries to get free so it can explore, it discovers it can’t.
It continues to struggle and in the course of this gets injured and hurt a lot, it eventually stops struggling and congratulations – you’ve won! Baby elephant grows to become a big elephant whose mind has been conditioned to slavery and to whom the concept of freedom is foreign. So you chain it with the weakest of chains, and it doesn’t even try to get free. Because it remembers the scars from when it tried to be something else, the thought that it is now a big boy and the things that once held it down no longer have the power to never once crosses its mind.
Are you a baby elephant?
Who constantly told you that you weren’t good enough? Who made your dreams into a joke because they thought you weren’t being realistic? Who made you believe that there are things you aren’t allowed to aspire to? Who put a ceiling on your goals? You are absolutely beautiful, you mass of perfect imperfections, who gave them the right?
Forget the manipulators, the ones who think they know best, the ones who have had reality cloud their judgment and the ones who did it to just get one up on you.
If it never crossed your mind that they are lying,well I’m here to tell you – THEY. ARE. LYING!