In the past two weeks I have gone through a process or better still an experience that has changed my opinion of certain things.You know the common saying “when purpose is not known, abuse is inevitable”? Yeah, I know you completed it in your mind. Those words have been the focus or my haunting shadow. I suddenly realized that doing something just for the sake of doing it is a sheer waste of time. As a matter of fact, it is an abuse; abuse of time!
Look at this, everything that was created was given a purpose, a reason for their existence. When He created light, He did it so that light can bring day and darkness night. When He made man, He gave him dominion over all created things (that’s purpose). Are you getting it? He asked Adam to name the animals and whatsoever he called them, they answered and acted in. So, it therefore follows that if something is called spoon; it functions as an object used for scooping food or for eating, if something is called bag; you know you carry items in it. Thus, everything named, has a function it carries with it. Everybody knows that a cup is for drinking, if someone comes now and start cooking with the cup, wouldn’t you think something is wrong? Yeah, you would.
People today jump from one job to another because they do not exactly know what they want to do and fulfil, they just think I will just do this for a start and then do something else later (There is nothing wrong in changing line of duty), and after doing that second thing you feel, “I am not getting enough attention here, let me move to another place”. And then you become a Jack of all trades, master of none. Purpose is a thing you live for; that when you have slept for long hours and someone wakes you up, the first thing that comes to your mind is getting that thing done. Thus “When purpose is known, destiny is born”. This could concern your job, career, academics, relationship, etc. look at these areas and identify why you are taking that step or action. Yet again, it is a question my mum would always ask me anytime I say: “I want to…”