Remember in secondary school when, after writing your notes you had to give your notebook to your teacher who would give it a red tick or write, “Seen”? Imagine you had finished the final draft of your final undergraduate degree’s project, and after working tirelessly for months – attaining data via different forms of research methods, writing pages upon pages and continuous editing; you get the result back and you see “seen”.
No comments, no critique and the most important – no grade.
How would you feel? Pretty upset I can imagine, if that word can even encompass your emotions at the time.
That’s what it’s like as a blogger/artist/musician – basically any creative using the Internet to share their art or craft. Feedback is core to growth, maturity and improvement in these people. Your “nice work!” comment goes a longer way than you imagine, it tells the person that truly someone appreciates what they take time to produce, that someone is aided by their art, that someone is blessed by their work.
Even when it’s critique – it’s still valuable. Without critique we wouldn’t be able to improve as whole people so it still applies online. If you think there’s something someone can do better, advise them with love! Tell them “I really appreciate what you’re doing and I think it would be even more amazing if…” – and just like that, you’re good deed for the day has been done.
So today I am encouraging you all – make it a point of duty to comment on blog posts, when you see beautiful art on twitter compliment the work as you retweet – be the good you would like to see in the world.
Till next week,
(This post was inspired by my fellow members of Team Inspire: Kitan, Nsikan, Mide, Dami, Breade, Olumide, Layefa, Dotun, Joyce, Jamike, Jesulayomi & Damsa)