On this beautiful Monday morning before work started, I needed to buy earphones urgently from the only phone store in the market. As soon as I reached the store, I realized it was locked. I was a bit disappointed; so l left the market. As soon as I stepped out of the market, I noticed another earphone vendor just across the road. So I approached him and told him I wanted earphones for my phone which was not with me at the moment. He then showed me several types. In my mind I already knew the type or product I wanted because I have received the exact type as a gift from a friend, before I was led to give it out. So, I pointed to the vendor the exact product I wanted in no time. He gave me the selling price and I negotiated it; it was less than the price I was told I’ll get it. This got me happy and wondering if I got an original version of the product. So I left him with a warning that if am not satisfied with the sound, I’m going toreturn it and he consented then I returned back to my office. To be continued ****
The mind is a powerful tool in a man I must say; some call it a battlefield.
The Holy Spirit reminded me of this scripture in [Romans 12:2 NLT]
“Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.”
First and foremost, in the confused and evil world that we are in, if we don’t have a renewed mind from God, we will be confused or we’ll keep making the wrong decisions. Decisions of where to work, place to live, who to marry, course to study, where your child will school, country to live, what next after graduation, what trade to learn and lots more.
Beloved, there is a mind that God gives and the mind that Satan gives. A wise man once told me that ” Thinking is spirituality “. From my story I was not confused about the kind of earphone to buy I already know the product I wanted because it was familiar and I have used the product before. Likewise, Christians with a renewed mind. We are not to be confused when making decisions in life because our minds are renewed daily with the Word of God and prayers.
Once upon a time when I had no word study and prayer life, I made so many wrong decisions lol*. But because we renew our minds day and night with the word of God and prayers, things that look confusing become clear. Now we can clearly separate sheep from goats, good and bad, original and fake people, godly relationships and ungodly relationships, right and wrong decisions, the voice of God and the voice of Satan, even conversations inspired by God (Gift of discernment) and that inspired by Satan and lots more.
Here is another anchor scripture in Romans 8:27[NLT] “And the Father who knows all hearts knows what the Spirit is saying, for the Spirit pleads for us believers in harmony with God’s own will.”
The moment I began wondering why the price was less and beginning to lose my peace on it, I knew it was time to check out its qualities and sounds with my phone as soon as I get back to my office. This implies that yes, despite the fact that I know the true version of the earphone to buy, there are still FAKE and ORIGINAL products hahaha* what a world that we’re in. So, despite knowing that this decision is right, that I’m in the right environment, company or relationship, that this business partner is a Christian, that I need to relocate to this country, that I met this man or lady in church, and lots more – it’s not enough to be sure that I have made the right decision? I mean I even got the exact product I needed outside the market! That means I’ll still be making further checks; so how do we perform the further checks?
See this anchor scripture in “[1 Samuel 16:7 NLT] But the Lord said to Samuel, “Don’t judge by his appearance or height, for I have rejected him. The lord doesn’t see things the way you see them. People judge by outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.” To be continued ****
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Mercy’s Pen