This is the first time I’m using a phrase as a title for my blogpost but honestly it’s the best way to express how I feel right now.
Sometimes life seems to be falling apart like a Nature Valley granola bar but, just like that bar, it all works out in the end. In the case of the bar, it gets digested and you get the necessary nutrients from it, and in life – the purpose of the tough situation eventually surfaces and it all works out.
“Weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning” is a beautiful bible scripture that explains the ups and downs in life beautifully. Sometimes you may feel so beaten down you’ll think you don’t even have the bones to get back up on your feet, I’m here to tell you that no matter how hard a situation may seem, so long as you’re still alive, there’s still hope.
The same boiling water that softens yam will harden an egg – its not about the circumstance but it’s about what you’re made up of. You can decide to let the situation you’re in break or make you.
It’s all up to you.