Hey people!
Last week was awesome especially as it produced yet another travel post! *Dances*

So where was I off to this time around? The Federal Capital Territory of Nigeria 🇳🇬 ! I and many young leaders across the nation were invited for an all-expense paid training in Abuja, put together by Ipas, a non-governmental organization that is geared towards promoting sexual and reproductive health rights (SRHR).
What was the training really about? I know SRHR can be a mouthful so I’ll break it down just a bit: it’s basically about teaching people about all there is to know about their rights related to their reproductive health – like your right to knowledge about contraceptives and access to them. A whole lot of people don’t know they are entitled to family planning methods and they end up having way more children than they can afford, and we can all agree that’s not a good thing.
Anyways so the training was super intensive; back to back from 8am till like 6.30pm! However it was really engaging, lots of group work and interactive sessions, so you don’t actually feel the time going.

The young leaders in attendance were selected from groups of different walks from across the nation and so it was a really diverse group – but we all had the sole aim of becoming empowered at the training, so there wasn’t a dull moment! We were constantly bouncing ideas off each other, it was great to be amidst such energetic young leaders.

Of course, all work and no play makes Jack/Jane a… yeah you can complete the phrase, so of course we had wind down time after sessions!

There was no way I was going to be in Abuja and not meet up with some of my good friends!

All in all it was a great experience and I’d suggest to anyone that gets the opportunity to go for an Ipas training to take it!
Till next time,
ETP xo