Mask off…
Lol that’s all I’ve got in my attempt to recite a Future Rap verse 😂
Hey lovelies! I want to talk to you guys about how I’m feeling right now; I’m approaching the end of a phase and it’s so weird for me. I’ve literally always had my life planned out. I knew I wanted to be a doctor since I was 4 years old – yes I was influenced strongly by my dad who’s a medical doctor, but I eventually got the drive for myself (something that’s very very key to survive medical school). So from the jump, I’ve known I’ve got to get stellar grades, as I got into secondary school I knew that I’ve got to get Hospital and clinic work experience, I knew I had to study science courses and that biology had to be my best friend, I knew that UK medical school applications takes your whole life into account and so I programmed myself to be fit. If you asked me where I was going to be in 5 years when I was in secondary school I could tell you what year in university I’d be and even the courses I’d be studying – I literally always have a plan.
But life outside school and the fixed schedule it gives you, means that has had to change a bit. Yeah, I’m supposed to do the Nigerian National Youth Service (NYSC) next, but will I? If I do, what state will I do it in? Where will I live? What kind of organization would I want to work in? If I don’t do it, what are my options? And a million other questions run through my head each day.
But in the midst of the maze that is my mind, I have this one constant consolation – and that’s the fact that God has literally never failed me, and He’s not about to start now. Yes, I may not have all the answers at once, and maybe it’s best this way, maybe I do better solving my queries piece by piece, where I’m reliant on my Father in Heaven. This way I don’t even dream of thinking it was all me and mistakenly not accord the glory to whom it’s due – my omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent God!
So yes, I have a journal where I write my life progress reports every now and then, and I also write out possible life routes and their potential outcomes, names of people that could be instrumental along these paths and even what I could offer potential partners/employers – but all in all – I put all my concerns in God’s hands for the final and utmost say.
I’d advise you all to do the same!
Till next time,
Dr. ETP xo