My darlings. I’m going to open this post with gratitude; so many of my friends and family speedily came to my aid a few days ago when I had a mini-meltdown on social media. Very off brand for me, I know, I was so overwhelmed with negative emotions that only happened because someone chose to use their words to harm me – and I allowed the words to do exactly that.
Who knows as well as anyone else that you have to filter the words that comes to you? I do. But that didn’t stop me from falling victim to the exact same thing all the same, I’m only human after all.
I received a mind blowing amount of support from my friends, but also from people that hadn’t actually interacted with me before but felt led to reach out and uplift my spirit – and it surely did!
It’s so important to use your words positively, to strengthen others and simply make others happy. I’m that person that would tell a stranger that her hair looks nice; I know how nice it is when others do it to me so I’m glad to spread good cheer along. If we all did this, I think we’d live in a happier society.
Thank you so much to everyone that came through with beautiful advice and amazing reminders of who I am, I really, really needed it. God bless you!
Till next time,
Dr. ETP xo