Hey darlings! I enjoy global health and it stems from my desire for healthcare to be valued as a human right – across the world. It’s something I’m passionate about. It’s the underlying reason why I studied medicine in Nigeria, as I got to learn hands on what the challenges that cripple the health system are, because let’s face it – you can’t solve a problem that you don’t even understand.
So what is universal health coverage and why am I telling you about it today? Put in the simplest terms, Universal Health Coverage means Health for all. It means everyone gets the basic healthcare they need, when they need it and at a price that they can afford.
As I said, that’s the concept simplified into a mini paragraph – it’s a highly political area of the developmental sphere because of that last clause “at a price they can afford”, because let’s face it – quality healthcare is EXPENSIVE. But does that mean one should just die because they are short on the financial instrument called money? Doesn’t that then place a value on life which breaks the moral code that life is priceless?
Food for thought.
Well that’s all for today folks, just want to whet your appetite so when I come back with some more content along this line of discussion, it’s not like you don’t know what’s going on haha.
Stay safe and wash your hands for 20 seconds frequently my darlings 💕
Till next time,