2021 was a good year for me. It had triumphs and a fair share of tears, but I’m one to always tally the year into “good” because – I’m still here. Where there’s life, there’s hope.
The last couple of weeks have been challenging on practically every front, and I’m going into a January that feels uphill in all ramifications of my life, but when seasons like this come (I like to call them seasons so I remember it will also pass), I am reminded that my strength lies in God. Whenever I’m alone and looking at the mountain before me, instead of allowing myself to be exasperated, I choose to trust in God.
I truly pray and believe that a testimony will come out of these trials of my faith, and I’m hanging onto every Word that the Lord has said about my life: victory is mine through Christ Jesus, amen.
That said, I have written out my prayer list for 2022 and taken it to Christ – I suggest you do so too. It will amaze you what you tick off with God as the year progresses!
Happy new year in advance my lovelies!
Till next year,
Dr. ETP xo