Hey lovelies! I’m writing from my laptop today as opposed to my phone so I feel like a real author haha. Today I want to talk a little about feeling like you’re not moving forward, or maybe not moving as fast as you’d prefer – ever experienced it before? It’s not fun, especially not for people that are up and doing most of the time; which describes yours truly.
At a time like this, a lot of us experienced a certain amount of stagnancy – the lockdown was practically global with only a handful of countries that didn’t make major changes to life as we know it. Flights were cancelled, borders shut, it was like the whole world was put on pause, and many of us didn’t enjoy the effect it had on our progress. I’m writing this in past tense but in reality, a lot of us are still reeling from the effects that COVID-19 caused in our individual lives.
So this is an article about how I dealt with that period. First of all, let me confess that I was sad. I felt like life came to a halt and for some time I viewed my life from a snapshot of my present state, and was blinded to the long journey I had taken to get to where I was. That was my mistake – when you find yourself having difficulty moving forward, the easiest and I’d even say best thing to do, is to look back. Look back on how far you’ve come. If you keep a journal (which I suggest is something we should all do) you can read about your struggles and reflect on how you overcame them. How you now have the things that you once prayed for. Gratitude does a lot for one’s self-esteem and it gives you a sense of positivity, which is something you would definitely need tons of to overcome a feeling of stagnancy.
Think of your past successes and re-relish in those moments again. Don’t take your wins for granted, the memories help to remind you of what it feels like to win, and encourages you that you can and will win again. Just keep the hope alive.
Above all, talk to God. Tell Him how tired you feel, He doesn’t see it as complaining, He sees it as His child trusting Him with their issues, which is what He always asks of us! Trust God.
Till next time,
Dr. ETP xo