Hey darlings!
The pressure to write “exciting” articles after a well-read post is real guys lol. Anyways thanks for coming back for your weekly dose of ETP! This week I want to talk to you about social media and sharing.
Yes, I’m a lifestyle blogger, which means in layman terms that I write from my life – my experiences, either my take on things or simply where I visit etc – so it’s easy for me to blur the lines on what I share on social media if I’m not intentional about it – hence why I am. I’d say it’s important to mentally set up barriers of what you want to share with the world – I say “world” because it’s not just your friends that have access to your social media posts, even if you’re on private.
For example, I’m always making new moves. I’m always planning ahead of my next step and thinking 2-3 years in advance of my present state, but if I get asked in an interview where I see myself in a few years time, I’d give my ready-set answer regardless of what is in my life-plan journal.
I wanna talk to you guys about social media because it’s so easy to get intimidated by what you see online; people’s lifestyles may seem so much better than yours and before you know it, you’re negatively comparing yourself to them. I try to make my social media as realistic as possible; I share both my highs and lows, but even in this I sometimes get feedback from people on how they think my life is super enviable as they turn a blind eye to the not so glossy parts that I share – but I can’t be blamed for that to be honest.
So my advice to you today is to be honest with yourself, that page you follow that makes you end up feeling bad about yourself after you see it – take a break from it. Ask yourself why you feel that way and be frank with yourself; this is a meeting between you and yourself, there’s no point lying to you. Clear away toxicity; you could even consider taking a whole break from social media altogether – do what you need to make it work for you.
Protect your happiness & your peace.
Till next time,
Dr. ETP xo