Hey loves!
How’s your October going? Do you celebrate Halloween? I don’t, whilst growing up I remember my mom not letting us take part in going from door to door on our street for trick-or-treat, and looking back I don’t think I missed out on anything except maybe colds from walking around at night in a costume 😂
Anywaysssss, let’s get down to today’s business – which is self-improvement. My people, if there’s anything that you can do to help yourself that no one can do for you – it’s self-improvement (as the name depicts). It’s vital because you can’t just sit around waiting for qualities to be handed to you, some things you have to develop yourself.
Currently I’m undergoing self-improvement in a whole lot of ramifications in my life, but I’ll share one of them: speech.
Yes, I’m a public speaker and I’m coherent when I’m on stage and with a mic in hand, because I was trained in public speaking. But if it’s one to one, especially with people I’m really comfortable with like family, my speech can run at at a pace so fast, my relatives just choose to assume what I said rather than actually hear me 😂
Even though I know I don’t do it when it matters most (aka at work), it’s still a flaw I’d be better off without. So what am I doing about it? I’ve given everyone in my home the permission to cut me short whenever I’m going hyper-speed. As I consciously have to make an effort each time I’m corrected, I’m self-learning how to get better at it.
What’s your area of self-Development now?
Tell me in the comments!
Lots of love,
Dr. ETP xo