Hey everyone, thanks for coming around to ETP Blog this week. I’ve had a really bad week to be very frank, bad news kept coming at me for 4 days straight and I became overwhelmed. I still went about my duties at the hospital, still smiled with my patients and checked how they were doing intermittently, but the battles I was facing would just wait till I get back indoors and my response was overwhelming tiredness. My day wouldn’t have even been stressful enough to warrant the level of tiredness I was experiencing, yet I’d feel totally fatigued and it’s been rendering my evenings useless.
I don’t have much to say, this is just a cry for help. Pray for ETP, she’s overwhelmed and tired of everything.
Hopefully will have a brighter post next week, but right now, I just need love and light.
Till next time,
Dr. ETP xo