Following off the back of my post on Chowing Imposter Syndrome, I have had a barrage of good news in my life this last 7 days, which has reversed all the self-doubt that was consuming me. Because of how unreal it all still feels, I will share this testimony at a later date, but a key point I want to bring out is altruism.
Altruism: selfless concern for the wellbeing of others. This is something that is very rarely practiced by humans because let’s face it, human beings are selfish by nature. So when you do find someone willing to go extra miles to help you, it can take you aback.
I tend to give my support to other people on a whim, if it’s in my capacity to help, I do it. I don’t have a particular reason; in fact there have been times that I step back from myself in action and ask “wait why am I so interested in this?” Lool
Recently, an absolute stranger helped me in an immense way. Till today I have no idea what the person looks like; but they helped me as though I was their own child. That singular but extensive act of kindness has literally changed my life for the better; and I can’t help but feel like all the seeds of support I’ve been sowing in multiple people – finally came to bear fruit in my life by the virtue of my amazing God.
Be good to people! Even if you can’t be genuinely altruistic (yet) you could do it as a seed into your own life – it works!
Till next time,
Dr. ETP xo