Let me just confess that I have periods where my faith is at an all time low and I try to do things in my own strength. In my mind, finding the balance between faith and works becomes really difficult when I’m faced with a hard time. When is it time to let God take over? We all know the Bible says Faith without works is dead but deciphering where that line is – that’s where I mess up.
What I mean is this: I have a life challenge. I know I’m meant to pray about it, and I also know I’m meant to put in ‘works’ – action towards a solution. But when I’m knee deep in the issue, I’m like 90% works 10% faith – and then I get burnt out.
And THEN I turn to God – who, as always, comes through.
Rinse. And repeat.
Clearly, this vicious cycle is not beneficial – because that time when I’m wallowing in worry, I’m unable to sleep peacefully, I’m preoccupied with finding solutions and I’m generally not at peace. And my skin breaks out (tears).
God just brought me a beautiful miracle after a week of desiccating my mental health and I realized, this stressing thing just isn’t worth it. Here I am having to get a new cleanser to sort out my stress-induced breakouts when my breakthrough was around the corner.
So I say to you (and majorly to myself) trust God. Give him 100% belief even as you put the work in – put the work in praying that He will crown it with success, and trust that He hears you – Matthew 7:7.
Till next time my lovelies,
Dr. ETP xo