
ETP Talks: leaving Nigeria

Comments (26)
  1. Pharleelat says:

    Lizzzzz! We’ll miss you I couldn’t even get to spend time with you in Lagos

    All the best in your future endeavors sis!!

    1. ETPBLOG says:

      Thank you my darling! We’ll meet again I’m sure ❤️❤️

  2. Adesola says:

    Aww Elizabeth! You are a light and I am glad to have known you. I don’t doubt that you will do exceedingly great at whatever you do, Keep shinning ETP, I know you will be missed.

    1. ETPBLOG says:

      Sholly baby!! My darling I’m so happy to
      Have met you, thank you for being amazing ❤️❤️❤️

  3. Seyi Alogbo says:

    Just another reason to “trust the process”. It shows that going through life, it’s not going to be all smooth, there’d be a mix of ups and downs but at the end it would all be worth it. Wishing you all the best in your next challenge! Love and light

    1. Irus says:

      This is the first time I’m commenting but I just had to! I met you once but before seeing you, you left an impact for me to excel! Thanks for your reviews and advice E. I really hope I see you again. Till then, keep being awesome.

      Lots of love!

    2. ETPBLOG says:

      Thank you Seyi!! ❤️❤️❤️

  4. TheOluwatobi says:

    All the best doc!
    Go and continue in your portfolio as the “minister of enjoyment” in the parliament.

    1. ETPBLOG says:

      Thank you Tobi! And hahaha that’s the plan ❤️

  5. Onyinyechi says:

    Oh no This news is received with mixed feelings, I cant believe you are leaving alreadyBut I know it is for good.
    Elizabeth thank you so much for impacting my life even from afar. Meeting you through NIMSAand SCORP activities in 2016 changed a whole lot about me . You taught me to pursue my passion of advocating for Access to Quality Health and Education for all children with so much vigour while acing my med school exams. Sincerely I had courage to do most things I did because I saw you push against odds in med school to achieve results.
    You are one contact I’m forever grateful to have met by proxy.
    Thank you and thank you again.
    I wish you so well onward in practice.
    I really look forward to a future of working in same space as you.
    I’m sure there is greatness associated with you.
    love you loads❤

    1. ETPBLOG says:

      Onyinye, I’m speechless; I am so honored. Thank you sooo much Dr. Mbam, you’re going to do amazing things, I can’t wait to see you at the top ❤️❤️

  6. Sigh. When I heard this first I was more perplexed than sad. But definitely, home is where the soul belongs… hopefully, someday, down the line, you’ll make your way back “home” to shine more light.

    Lots of love,
    I love you Elizabeth Tolulope Peters (The epitome of modesty and queen of consistency)

    1. ETPBLOG says:

      Kemi baby!! My darling, my fighter and motivation – thank you so much for all the love and support. I can’t wait to come back and build the Nigeria we deserve!

      I love you tons more ❤️❤️❤️

  7. Lizzy Usen says:

    So glad to have crossed paths with you. You continue to inspired me and I know this is just the beginning of your greatness. God bless you namesake.

    1. ETPBLOG says:

      Lizzy baby! My namesake and model of life, I’m so glad I met you too, thank you sooo much darling I’m so honored ❤️

  8. Opeyimika says:

    Go for gold, ETP. From November last year till now, I’ve clicked every blog post link and I’ve got value for every single one.

    Thanks for being a sparkling light for medical students like myself. Cheers to sharing more of how you conquer life with us, Our Host, Friend and Mentor❤

    1. ETPBLOG says:

      Aww my love thank you so so much! I’m honored ❤️❤️❤️

  9. Moyo says:

    Thank you for the gift of you…yeah I’d never pegged you as someone who would go through a day without smiling from cheek to cheek, but oh well, we thank God we don’t physically look like what we’ve been through.

    All the best SoftSkinnedLiz….yes that name’s not leaving anytime soon.

    1. ETPBLOG says:

      Hahaha Moyo Thank you!! You’re a star, God bless you ❤️❤️❤️

  10. hollop!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    You became my friend August 2019 and we are already learning things together. How can you suddenly wanna go like that. This is not acceptable. I will not take it. The only solution is that I follow you back home. Once I get home, don’t worry, I will sleep in the garage or basement and build the next billion dollars company from there.

    With technology, distance is not an issue. We keep moving

  11. Adedolapo says:

    You’ve made so much impact in my life Elizabeth.
    Your journey through medical school gave me a reason not to quit. You’re a light Elizabeth!!!!!, a force to reckon and a huge blessing to this generation.
    You’re star love, keep shining wherever you go.
    we’l be watching this space and cheering you on from this side.

  12. OMG!!!
    I’m grateful i met you Dr. ETP, i’m grateful for the opportunity to have interacted with you at the point we met. Thank you so much for making so much impact in Nigeria during your stay, you exude greatness and that’s exactly who you are.
    I love you ma’am and pray you’re continually blessed in every ramification.
    I’d keep watching this place.

    1. ETPBLOG says:

      My darling!! Amen l! Thank you so much Bolu, God bless you

  13. David Nwikina says:

    Hey you. Just read this. Sigh. Just tried to call your Nigerian number but it didn’t go through.

    Send me your UK number.


  14. Dera says:

    This is such a beautiful right up of how you overcame and became the force you are today…
    can’t wait to meet you on Saturday

    1. ETPBLOG says:

      Aww thank you so so much! I can’t wait to meet you too ❤️❤️

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