
ETP Talks: How to get involved with International Organizations!

Comments (32)
  1. Scofield says:

    Really resourceful, keep the good job ON !

    1. ETPBLOG says:

      Thank you for reading and commenting!!

  2. Clara says:

    Great Job Lizie.. Proud to know you

    1. ETPBLOG says:

      Aww thank you Clara!! Proud to know you too my love ❤️❤️❤️

  3. Dooshima says:

    Thank you for this! Well done!

    1. ETPBLOG says:

      Thank you for reading! ❤️❤️

  4. Aturamu Oluwafisayomi says:

    Very enlightening. Thanks for sharing.

    1. ETPBLOG says:

      Thank you for reading & commenting 🙂

  5. I find this simplistic and explicit enough to create a revolutionary mindset! Big ups!

    1. ETPBLOG says:

      Thank you so much!

  6. This was actually incredibly apt! Thank you Liz! And I’m so eery glad for you and everything you’ve been able to achieve so far.

    1. ETPBLOG says:

      Aww Dami! Thank you for reading & commenting!!

  7. I found your write-up expository.
    Most especially, It content valuable insights that will make any serious thinking individual think big, act more and most especially become more.
    Keep doing great works!

    1. ETPBLOG says:

      I’m so happy you got this from the post! Looking forward to your future exploits!

  8. Chisom says:

    Wow! Thanks for sharing Lizzie, God bless you❤

    1. ETPBLOG says:

      Amen! Thank you for reading & commenting ❤️

  9. Reward says:

    Getting started, thanks so much for this

    1. ETPBLOG says:

      I’m glad you enjoyed it!

  10. Lolu Akinteye says:

    Well-done ETP, this is amazing.
    The resources needed for involvement in these case is Time and Money, so is there a way the financial necessities can be met to make participation bearable.

    1. ETPBLOG says:

      Hi Lolu! Thank you for commenting. As I said, volunteering online and then locally is the first step, as it reduces costs to the bare minimum. As you gain experience, NGOs will see potential in you as your work aligns with their’s and will be willing to provide resources to further your common goal.

      So start with what you have!

  11. Jewel says:

    This is amazing!!! Thanks for this and more feathers to your cap. God bless you.

    1. ETPBLOG says:

      Thank you darling!! Amen ❤️❤️

  12. Raye says:

    How can I contact you like directly. To talk to you about all these stuff. Email?

  13. Nehemiah Luka says:

    Truly enlightening! Thanks a lot. I am just wowed at how you were able to juggle everything in a Nigerian Med school. Most days and even during the weekends, I find myself drained of all forms of strength. Doctor, how did you do it? Thank you.

  14. Debbie says:

    Impacting…more grace, am so glad to knw u, want to knw u d more.

    1. ETPBLOG says:

      Thank you sooo much Debbie! My email is – I’ll be expecting your mail!

  15. Jumoke says:

    Thank you so much for this. This was truly enlightening. At least now I have an idea on how to get started and how to get my ideas out there …

  16. OmoobaJesu Adetunji says:

    Hi ETP. This was really helpful and insightful. Thanks! My name is Omooba, I am a medical student and I find you very inspirational. I’m also the editor-in-chief of elevate magazine ( which is basically a free magazine for the Nigerian student. We gather useful resources across the internet, coupled with some original content and provide a unique compilation of useful material relevant to the success of a Nigerian young adult. I wanted to ask your permission to publish this article in our next edition. I hope you say say yes! Thank you 🙂

    1. ETPBLOG says:

      Hey Omooba! Thank you so much for stopping by and leaving such a wonderful comment!

      I would be honored to have this article featured in the magazine, just as long as I get my due credit 😀

      1. OmoobaJesu Adetunji says:

        Oh definitely, you will be credited. Thank you

  17. Jesulayomi Eyitayo says:

    This is amazing…..Need to digest this thoroughly.
    Well done Dr ETP

  18. Vbedewrites says:

    Nice job ETP, amazing and enlightening.

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