Dear readers, both old and new – welcome to another article here on ETP Blog! My people, have you ever been told during a hard time that you will understand why God put you through this in future? It can be irritating to hear when you’re in the midst of the storm but if you journal like myself and look back through your entries, you may find that there’s some truth in that statement.
In my life, I have faced persecution…as in the really terrible kind. I once had a very powerful man using all in his weaponry to destroy my at the time, yet-to-start career. Amidst this, I had disgusting, stomach-churning rumors being circulated about me as facts and what’s worse, I had people that claimed to be friends of mine, “verifying” such vilifying stories. It was a terrible time and I honestly prayed I wouldn’t wake up the next morning, but as you can guess I kept waking up, and sunk into depression because I really didn’t want to be alive anymore.
It was a lot to bear and I felt like I couldn’t share it with my family because I saw myself as the source of so much shame. I didn’t know for sure who was really my friend and that unease in itself ate me up; being wary of everyone is tiring, and it’s even worse when the person hasn’t given you any reason to doubt their loyalty but your lack of trust just won’t let you.
I’ve shared all this to say – sis has been THROUGH IT. I know I don’t look like it and I have God to thank for that (also for not granting my death requests).
Have I faced challenging times since then? Of course yes! Life is a full of ups and downs. Now that I’ve experienced certain lows, although I definitely acknowledge when I’m being treated unfairly, it really can’t faze me.
So I think I have some footing to tell you, my dear reader, that there’s a message following the mess. If it’s only that you grow thicker skin, my dear it is a very valid gain; because people will test you. Someone literally once told me she doesn’t like me because “I’m always happy”! In that instance I just had to tell myself, that’s on her, and not my problem.
Chin up my love, you’re coming out stronger.
Till next time,
Dr. ETP xo