Hey everyone!
Sometimes I look at the people around me and just think, wow. How did I get so lucky? But then I have a reminder that God put them there and I say a quick thank you because, these people are awesome.
I have never started and finished one school in my entire life lol; always moved somewhere along the line and through this and more, I’ve made a whole lot of amazing friends. Friends that send you opportunity links, prayers, randomly check up, Instagram posts from their favorite preachers or just what they found interesting and thought it would be of interest to you.
Some of my friends, I’ve never even seen in person before but we click seamlessly and so it just works, somehow. Others I haven’t seen in 5 years but once we reunite it’s amazing.
This is just a little appreciation post for you guys, you make me feel loved, cared for and special. Thank you ❤️
Till next time,
Dr. ETP xo