As the world all over knows, Coronavirus has come and interrupted life as we know it. A disease that is contagious and deadly and currently has no definite cure or vaccine. Here in the UK, we’ve been mandated to stay at home to reduce the rate of transmission, and so that’s what my family has done.
We always have a habit of keeping the house stocked so we were kind of already prepared and didn’t really “panic buy” per say, but I can’t say the same for other Londoners, seeing videos of people fighting over toilet roll in supermarkets was rather embarrassing to watch. Just shows how much decorum goes out the window when there’s a supposed threat to human normalcy I guess.
Everyday there’s news about rising numbers of confirmed cases and climbing death tolls around the world. Bad news everywhere, and it’s all centered on the virus as though all other factors life has paused.
Well I have chosen to cheer myself up with the Good News because my God has overcome the world – COVID-19 included – it’s just a matter of time for manifestation.
In the meantime, I’m spending my time with family and we produced a photo shoot! Enjoy 😊

Remember to regularly wash your hands with soap and water!
Till next time,
Dr. ETP xo