We’ve been protesting for just over a week now, and what a time it has been. This week has seen the transformation of the face of Nigeria as we know it. We are probing everything and everybody. We’re asking all the pertinent questions and we’re asking with our full chests.

We’re not sitting back at the announcements of new “panels, committees and investigations”. No, this time we want action. For once, we are seeing police men returning extorted funds, paying medical bills, and paying condolence visits to the families of the victims of their officers’ brutality.

But these are mere baby steps. Many serial killers dressed in police uniform are still at large. SARS officers that have been “dissolved” have killed protesters up till today. Just yesterday, a member of the Governor of Osun state’s security detail shot live ammunition into a crowd of peaceful protesters and it resulted in the loss of at least one life. As at now, no word from the Governor’s office regarding the murder that happened right under his nose – in broad daylight.

But it’s not all doom and gloom – The Feminist Coalition has been crowdfunding to support the protests going on across the country – we’ve provided our own emergency medical support, legal support (to bail out illegally arrested protesters), food and drinks, umbrellas, tents, raincoats, masks, sanitisers…the list is endless.

We’ve even gotten our own toll free emergency line which allows for immediate response to Police Brutality and ensures the safety of our peaceful protesters.

We’ve also seen young Nigerians crowd fund for prosthetic legs for protesters that came out on crutches. Some people raised over 2 million naira for a Groundnut seller – lives are being changed.

I personally have felt my hope in my country become renewed greatly. We are no longer identifying as the leaders of tomorrow; we’re the leaders of today and we declare that what we want is this: #ENDSARS.

More updates soon,
Dr. ETP xo