Hey fellow lovers of God! I’ve decided to remind you of your relationship with God as a means to remind you of your immense value, so you can read this article from that perspective.
So many times people go on and on about how there’s no “perfect person” that we all have flaws and is there some truth in that statement? Of course there is. But using that idea as a cornerstone to build a belief system of accepting the “next best thing” in people even if it means making some compromises that make you squirm – that’s problematic.
Always remember that you’re a catch in yourself. If you meet someone and they’re not quite cutting it, but because of other factors such as “my mates are getting married”, “I’m not getting younger” and other silly short stories; you choose to glaze over things that you know will always irk you. My dear, you’re setting yourself up for a lifetime of unnecessary annoyance. Especially when it’s a characteristic that’s already ingrained into the person.
Do yourself a favor and sit it out. Just wait. The right person is coming. The person with whom everything just clicks. Pray about it and rest.
In the mean time, try to enjoy your life, as popular twitter parlance states, problem no Dey finish 😂😂
Till next time,
Dr. ETP xo