Cover photo: Joyce P. Photography
Hey darlings! I’m faced with a huge decision so I’ve decided to write about it: 1) as a form of release and 2) for posterity’s sake.
So I’m going to share how I make my decisions, big and small, how I factor in variables and eventually come to a final answer.
So let’s say my decision is: what hairstyle should I do next? Should I weave it or leave it In it’s natural, Afro state?
First thing I’d do is draw a (mental) comparison table:
After I draw up these comparisons, I compare it with my current predicament, factor in the engagements I may have over the period that the hairstyle decision will impact, and it helps me make a decision.
But sometimes, I don’t have all the variables to hand. Sometimes, even the pros and cons of the choices are obscure…in times like these I tend to just shut down, sigh. If I can find a way to just avoid the situation, I most likely would (I know right, such a chicken’s approach) but funnily enough, most times my decisions don’t even give me the opportunity to run from them. Life will continue and so I find myself back at the crossroads, no matter how much I delay it.
So back to my big decision. Mennnn. Your girl has been praying and praying. My prayers are a mixture of “is this your plan?” “what’s the big picture?” “How will this work?” – so you can just imagine how vague the decision is right? I’d really appreciate if you, my beautiful readers, could please pray for me; pray that I don’t chicken out, that I remain persistent in asking God for an answer – and that I get an answer – at the right time!
I exhaled a deep sigh after writing this paragraph. I’m really going through it haha.
Well, that’s me, baring a little of my soul today haha. I hope I have good news to share soon, which I will reference this article in.
Till next time,
Dr. ETP xo