
ETP Talks: Dealing With Depression

Comments (12)
  1. Oh my! oh my! Just to say I envied your ability to multitask… Thank you for sharing this. Ama go set me free…

    1. admin says:

      Lool aww! Thank you for reading & commenting my love! God bless you as you free yourself ❤️

  2. This reminds me of me… You’ve come a long way dear. More grace to you. God bless…

    1. admin says:

      Thank you Kemi my darling God bless you ❤️

  3. Daara says:

    I’m glad you can share your story. 🙂

    1. admin says:

      Thank you Daara ❤️❤️❤️

  4. Nsikan says:

    Sweg Doctor Liz! Proud of you girl

    1. admin says:

      Nsi baby! I’m grateful ❤️

  5. Elizabeth says:

    Who would have thought this will be coming from you? well, not me. I guess everyone has got problems after all. I’m actually just beginning to find my own peace. Like you said, I figured running won’t help. I had to face it. Inspiring piece by the way. Congratulations Lisa

    1. admin says:

      Elizabeth! Thank you so so much this is such a beautiful comment, I appreciate your love ❤️

  6. Udoji Greg says:

    Lizzy Lizzy, I thank God for you and for your life. I thank him that he has brought you through the storm. I thank God that he has restored the joy in your heart and I pray that no matter the circumstance you will not lose faith and that he would keep carrying you in his arms, after all you are his baby girl.

    1. admin says:

      ChimChim!! Thank you so much! God bless you abundantly always in Jesus Name ❤️

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