It’s easier to talk about faith from the other end of the spectrum, you know, when your prayers have been answered and you’re basking in the dividends with a massive grin on your face.
But when you are at the trying point and battling with uncertainty – that’s when you need to talk about faith the most.
I’m at a point in my life that I’d call a turning point, there’s a lotttttt of uncertainty, a lot of things relying on other things that haven’t come into fruition yet…it can be frightening to just think about.
How am I handling it? Luckily for me, my church is currently organizing a month long fasting and prayer program so I have a place to daily put my concerns before God and also be reminded of the faithfulness of God – and how He won’t stop now; he’s unchangeable after all. Each day, I talk to God about it rather than overthink and worry, my requests sound crazy to me but it’s the crazy faith that gets me really leaning on Him to be honest (because there’s no alternative Lool).
I think back on times when I had previously trusted God when I was faced with challenges that seemed to be above me – I mean I’m here today so it means He did it before, and He can do it again.
I look forward to quoting this post when I’m testifying about the things I’m praying about now!
Till next time,
Dr. ETP xo