Peace is the baseline emotion I feel right now.
According to the UN definition – peace is not merely the absence of war. So when I say I feel peace it’s not simply in comparison to when I was going through a hard time, it’s just the absolute serenity of the present.
Laying on the quiet beach here in Scarborough (I moved cities last week, it’s all part of the testimony I alluded to in my last post) listening to the waves crash gently on the shores, watching the dogs and their owners play fetch…all I feel is peace.
I’m taking the time to really feel this moment in it’s entirety because that’s how I stay grounded, my ability to feel grateful for the seemingly little things like sand and salt water of the North Sea that makes me able to accept the bigger things that happen to me. I’m really content with my life at present. I know I don’t have everything figured out (quite frankly who actually does? Maybe Beyoncé haha) but it doesn’t stop me from being grateful and happy with what I do have.
So whatever it is that makes you happy (of course I am referring to healthy, legal things/activities) try your best to enjoy that very moment in its totality. Relish in what about it that makes you feel so good. It’s all part of the human experience and making the most of the good times, helps you get through the not so good times.
So live a little!
Till next time,
Dr. ETP xo