I look at the photo below and see 4 Doctors that put whatever they’re going through to one side and focused on having a good time – and that’s exactly what we did.

And that my friends, is one of the beauties of companionship, and the one I want to focus on today. As at when Joyce was photographing us, I was in the midst of making a rather big decision that was nerve wracking. I’d been getting pretty stressed about it but when all these lovely people confirmed their availability to come for a get together, I just put everything on my mind to one side and allowed myself to live solely in the moment!
Anyone that knows me knows that I love to host people, and so doing what I enjoy was a great escape from my reality. I made smoky Jollof, fried plantain and peppered grilled fish, whilst Joyce made a delicious Oreo explosion cake.

I think it’s important to take breaks from your challenges and daily life strategizing to relax and enjoy the company of others. Doesn’t even have to be a big deal, there doesn’t have to be an event – just spend time with people you like being around. Humans are social beings, we’re not designed to be islands.

Hang out with your good friends sooner than later, you‘ll be better for it x
Till next time,
Dr. ETP xo