It’s been a different couple of months hasn’t it? Felt like the world all over came to a sudden halt and many plans were sent into spirals as the uncertainty touched every sector and field. For months, we just didn’t know what was coming tomorrow, is it airborne or contact only? Does it survive on surfaces – and so many other questions were left to speculations as scientists and public health experts had to work around the clock in real-time to try and find some answers – some of which we still don’t really have yet, like a proven cure for example.
But life must go on. So slowly, economies are picking back up, businesses are reopening in stages, social distancing measures are being put into place, people are wearing masks in public…we’re trying our best to cope with the “new normal”.
My friends and I decided we weren’t going to sit around and let life pass us by! We haven’t gone out together in months, closest thing to seeing each other was our 4-way video calls when we worked out together haha, so we organized an Asian themed cookout!

When Isata sent us this menu, we were like wowwww loool. So many things for one dinner! Isata being the head chef made most of the meals including all the hard prep work (!!), I did the Pad Thai noodles and chicken wings, Hannah did the papaya and shrimp salad, deep fried squid and baked the cookies and a beautiful chocolate cheesecake!

Cooking for three hours sounds stressful right? But when you do it with your girls that you go back 10+ years with, it’s all fun and games, sharing cooking tips, laughter and endless banter – it was actually magical!

Having an in-house photographer also helped, as Joyce captured some beautiful memories! Perdita that only did cocktails managed to get photographed the most – gotta hand it to that girl loool.

Someone said they want the recipes to these meals, my dear it could fill a little book lool, there was so much happening in the kitchen that day, it felt like I was in one of those high-pressure cooking competition shows lool. But going forward I will look into blogging about my cooking – so it goes beyond my tiktok videos lool (follow me at @dr.etp on Tiktok!)

Alright that’s all for today – spread love and happiness guys, its free <3
Till next time,
Dr. ETP xo