Hey darlings!
I’m writing this on my way to a spa day treat, and goodness am I in need of a fabulous massage – doing CPR is a very demanding exercise, it takes all your energy really really quickly and your muscles hurt especially your back if you’re a little height challenged like me, and the stretcher that the patient is on is rather high (and can’t be adjusted) – so your posture isn’t the best but you’ve still gotta try all the same because it’s literally a life on the line. It’s afterwards that my iWatch would be like “congratulations Elizabeth, you’ve reached your exercise goal for today” because the effort that goes into CPR is so intense, my watch assumes I’m working out 😂
So I need this massage lol.
But that’s not what this post is about lol, I want to talk to you about Being goal oriented. For each quarter of my internship year, I have set out goals. I wrote my goals in my life plan book and put timelines alongside them – I used my project management tool – SMART – to design the goals:
S – Specific: make sure the goal isn’t vague
M – Measurable: don’t just say “do outreaches….” say “do at least 3 outreaches…”
A – Actionable: Make sure they are within reach and feasibility
R – Relevant: make sure the goal is applicable to your future
T – Time-bound: Goals aren’t more than ideas without a time frame. Make sure you put a deadline to them!
So, this is the tool I use to make my goals and every now and then I check into my goals-diary to see how I’m doing towards attaining them. This way, I stay on track with all the things I plan to attain and never get carried away with my day-to-day activities – because I know there’s somewhere I’m going, and by achieving the little goals along the way, I’m getting there 🙂
I suggest you try it! Please share your goal achieving plans – let’s learn from one another 😀
Till next time,
Dr. ETP xo