Every now and then I like to write plainly, and as I approach my 26th birthday (it’s on Monday, January 21st for all who want to send my gifts, just reach me via info@elizabethtpeters.com 😁) I want to tell you a little about my childhood.
I grew up as the first born of three children, and my mom and dad had such interesting ways of bringing us up with values and virtues. For example, they used to leave money lying around the house, in different locations, and they’d sometimes even set up a hidden camera at a vantage point from the money. Later on we’d watch the video playback during family time/Saturday bible study and you could practically watch the thought process in our young minds; the point when the money is seen, the debate with yourself as to whether you should take it or not, and then the outcome of the internal debate.
This exercise went on for a little while until we all learnt not to take what didn’t belong to us, with some of us having to be punished more than others to get this result(no names mentioned lol). Bottom line is, being honest about money has been ingrained in us.
It’s definitely something I’d do for my children, and I’d suggest it to you too for your future/present children.
P.S – I love my parents a whole lot. They mean the world to me.
Till next time,
ETP xo