At a point in my life, I battled depression. It was ugly, unexpected and I felt terribly bad about it because in my mind, I had no reason to be feeling the way I did. And feeling bad about it only exacerbated it further. So when Jesus intervened after years of trying to find a solution on my own, I really appreciated the salvation. I began to feel happy again, genuinely happy, not self-compulsory, I-have-to-make-myself happy. And I loved it.
Today however, I’m telling you the beginning of a thread of true stories. I have a new form of happiness, and I found it in a person. Note: I have already had years of experiencing happiness on my own, thanks to Jesus, so this new happiness, well it took me by surprise because I felt, I was as happy as I could be already!
Alas, there’s space for this type. This person, this man, he makes me feel like priceless jewels, every single day. He sits and just stares at me for periods of time with a look of total adoration. He verbalizes how lucky and blessed he feels to have me in his life, readily. He never gets tired of affirming me.
He makes me happy.
Happy in a giddy, excited, daydreaming kind of way. Happy in a smiling subconsciously when the thought of him crosses my mind sort of thing. Happy that my life is sweeter because of him.
It’s a new type of happiness; and I love it. I love him. I hope everyone experiences this type of happiness in their lives, it’s indescribably beautiful.
Till next time,
Dr. ETP xo