
ETP Takes: Girls Trip to Cornwall!

Next ArticleETP Talks: Escapism
Comments (10)
  1. Omowunmi says:

    Omg!!!!! I loved every part of this post. I actually can’t wait for when I can also do this with you. Having solid friends is such an amazing thing ❤️❤️❤️

    1. ETPBLOG says:

      I cannot waittt! Girl we gon see the world together by God’s Grace ❤️❤️

  2. Our lifestyle n travel blogger….you literally do all ma’am…l loved it!

    1. ETPBLOG says:

      Haha thank you so much Bolanle! ❤️❤️

  3. Yinka says:

    Inject this content in my veins Love seeing you chop this life ❤️

    1. ETPBLOG says:

      Thank you hunnyyyy ❤️❤️

  4. ibrahim gbadebo says:

    Nice write up ETP. I was wondering if I will see a picture and brief intro of your group, especially Isata. You didn’t disappoint.

    1. ETPBLOG says:

      Hahaha thank you Gbadebo!

  5. Adabeke says:

    Awww y’all are friendship goals ooo
    Isata is the real mvp!!!!
    And the white outfit you guys wore A LEWKKKKK


    I enjoyed reading the blog

    1. ETPBLOG says:

      My Ada!! Thank you for alwaysssss ❤️❤️❤️

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