Travel posts can easily get swallowed up by the conference that takes yours truly out of her home but not this time! I tried my best to get a feel of Geneva whilst I was there – so here are some of the things I discovered:
I thought they used Euros like every other European Union country, but alas, they use Swiss Francs! My friends said their money looks like Christian Evangelism Tracts haha!
Gemma drinking from one of the many free water fountains in the city of Geneva ☺️
They have water fountains all over the city; free, potable (clean) water for everyone. At first the idea of drinking from the tap irked me I must admit, but it actually tastes good. Apparently different suburbs in Switzerland have water tasting competitions, since they’ve achieved water for all, sighs in when will that be the case in my country.
Geneva is an international city; it’s so multicultural! Yes, the local language is French, but practically everyone also speaks English. The beauty in their tranquillity is so refreshing.
The famous landmark, Le Jet D’eau was originally created as just a pressure release, but later it was reinforced to get the outburst to reach up to 550ft, and at night the lights around it make it even more beautiful.
Having le Jet D’eau as a backdrop in a photo in Geneva – must do.
The pier is a lovely sociable place where tourists and locals alike gather to chill, have an ice cream, eat fondue or even swim (it really wasn’t warm enough to swim in my opinion but hey I had only recently come in from Lagos sun lol).
Geneva is littered with beautiful pieces of architecture!
Here are some photos from when I visited the International Committee of the Red Cross:
Wanna see more random photos? Of course!
Till next time,
ETP xo