T H R E E Whole years!
I’m dazed you know. There have been new posts on this blog every week for three years. Columnists have come and gone, but this blog has stayed up and active nonetheless, with testimonies to prove its effect.
Recently I met someone who wanted to transfer to my medical school from a medical school in the United Kingdom; she literally is in the position I was way back in 2012 when I first moved to Nigeria for school. She described it as reading about all her worries and how to deal with issues she hadn’t even fathomed yet; like my blog posts really aided her in understanding the journey she is about to embark on.
Upon reading this, I instantly remembered all the times people called me crazy for leaving the comfort of my life in the U.K. to “suffer” in a Nigerian Medical School. To be very honest, if the only reason I went through all that I did was to give someone else hope that they can push through it, I’m overjoyed. (Believe me I haven’t written half of the story of my medical school journey, it could fill a book lol)
Anyways to celebrate this awesome day, I had a photoshoot with some beautiful girls in my school, wearing ETP Crop Tops, as I’m venturing into the clothing business once more, it’s taken a while for many reasons but God has brought me past the blockades I experienced so here we are!! Gloryyy 💃🏽💃🏽
And as is expected anniversary tradition, a give away is in the works – so keep checking the blog and my Instagram (@softskinnedLiz & @etpblogonline) for details on how to enter the competition!!
r grateful to all my readers across the globe, you guys keep me going, I hope to be able to keep posting each week without fail no matter the changes in my day-to-day life. Enough chit chat – take a look at the photos taken by yours truly : )