That’s right! My younger brother is a university Graduate!
Last weekend was the Bowen University convocation ceremony and Saturday November 4th was indeed a day of joy. Shortly after I moved universities in 2015, my parents felt it would be best we were altogether in the same uni so my brother transferred during the following session. Of course, moving universities is no small feat and he had challenges he had to face in order to get all the required credits – but he didn’t let this hold him down, rather he faced these barriers head on and broke through – resulting in a beautiful day of celebration.
P.S. being in charge of the food and drinks gave me some insight into why certain “aunties” at family functions get so power drunk, I literally felt like I controlled so much power in those hours where I manned the refreshments 😂 – it’s the grace of God that kept me humble haha.
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nks for reading! I hope your days of celebration are filled with just as much love as these photos ❤️❤️❤️