
ETP HO Diaries: Sexual Harassment

Comments (22)
  1. Adedolapo says:

    Thank you so much for sharing this.
    Victim blaming is enhanced by the culture of asking what did you wear? Like it would change the actions of the perpetrator or he would suddenly become remorseful if you put on something different.

    Thank you for affirming that it is not our fault.
    God bless you!

    1. ETPBLOG says:

      Amen! I’m so glad you got the core message! Thank you for reading and sharing your thoughts 🙂

  2. Yomi says:

    Nobody should go through sexual harassment, it’s worse when perpetrated by men in power. Sorry you had to go through this and thank you for sharing ❤️

    1. ETPBLOG says:

      Yommie love! Thank you so much for reading, you’re absolutely right, we women have to empower ourselves and that’s why sharing my truth was so necessary, albeit late. Thank you babygirl ❤️

  3. Tofarati says:

    Thanks for sharing this. Sexual harassment is fast becoming a plague in our health sector and I’ve heard countless times from my female colleagues (Medical Laboratory Scientists) about several Mr P(s) at work , married men – during call duty hours. These men must just do better. Most importantly, our ladies should keep safe and avoid being in close spaces with a Mr P .

    Thank you Liz

    I promise to be my sisters keeper!

    1. ETPBLOG says:

      Thank you for reading and lore importantly for making the amazing decision of being your sister’s keeper in such circumstances!

  4. Amaka Anne says:

    Thanks for sharing Liz. Sorry you had to go through that, the tot in medicine is really deep, a lot of us know this and we need to have more of these conversations.

    1. ETPBLOG says:

      Thank you Amaka, as you’ve rightly said these conversations need to be had ❤️

  5. Lisa says:

    Thank you for sharing Elizabeth . The shame and all the other emotions you had to deal with. One thing I’ve noticed is that it doesn’t come easy to go ahead and report. I almost shouted when I read the part of locking the door and switching off the lights‍♀️!!
    The “is it because I’m married” part.
    Thank God for coming through.
    I’m so glad you got out of this and for your sharing to bring light to this. Thank God for good friends that helped too. It is well

    1. ETPBLOG says:

      Hi Lisa,

      Thank you for your kind comment, it was a tough experience. Thank God for God ❤️❤️

  6. Ibrahim Mustafa says:

    Hi Liz, my attention was drawn to your write up by one of your friends. Maybe you can guess who. I really appreciate the write up and the message embedded in it. I don’t believe any Mr P should be allowed to go just like that. Sometimes we underestimate what the authorities can do to address such. Some of us have daughters, sisters and will never wish such for them. Please let us not shield these hyenas in our society, let them meet with the full wrath of the law. If this was brought to the attention of the management of the hospital, it would have been summarily addressed. Thank you for sharing once again! #don’tshieldthem

    1. ETPBLOG says:

      Thank you for your comment Ibrahim, you are very right that such people don’t deserve to be protected, and the appropriate actions are to be taken to stop the vicious cycle.
      Different bodies have reached out to me to see how this can be tackled, I’m hopeful for a brighter tomorrow in this respect ❤️

    2. Adebola says:

      Here through Lisa…
      It’s great that you decided to share this…albeit belatedly. It’s horrible what you went through and worse that you bore it in silence.
      That’s my grouse with female interns. The silence. My intern just reported a resident to me who I thought very highly of. And but for lockdown he’ll have heard from me. Some years back another intern reported her sr. They were in a call room together and from nowhere he pecked her. My first question was “did you slap him?”
      You need to make a statement…. Kick someone’s b*lls and let him come out and explain why his ho did that to him. Scream, scratch let him know you didn’t go through med school only to become someone’s play thing in your first year of practice
      Silence never works. In their warped minds silence means consent and the refusal is just a lady playing hard to get.

  7. Shakirat says:

    This makes me so upset to say the least. When the people that are meant to mentor become predators! That’s so sad. And only God knows how many people have passed through him who were unsuccessful and could not stop his lecherous hands. He needs to be dealt with and others like him. I’m glad the experiences you went through have made you stronger. He really shouldn’t get away with it. I’ve always said it…its not the profession that makes the human being. You can be a doctor or at the top of the food chain in your profession and still be the most despicable person ever. Sending love and light. Pele.

    1. ETPBLOG says:

      You’ve really said it all ma, thank you so much Chief ❤️

  8. Joy Aifuobhokhan says:

    Sigh. It took so much strength for me to read this. “These are the issues.” May God help us and always provide a way of escape and expose the perpetrators of these acts.

    So sorrt you had to go through this.
    We will keep fighting and receive strength to speak up, being female shouldn’t be a crime.

    1. ETPBLOG says:

      Thank you for reading Joy, we Definitely have to keep fighting. This doesn’t have to continue being the norm

  9. Anonymous says:

    You took a good step to share this story ! A lot of ladies are in this and they never know how to overcome it and some have been hurt and find it difficult to snap out of it . This is really terrifying

    1. ETPBLOG says:

      Thank you for your comment, I am grateful that my sharing it has helped women to feel liberated. Hoping we can do more going forward to stop this from continuing to be a norm.

      1. Fify says:

        I’m sorry you had to go through that. It’s horrible and disappointing especially from someone who’s supposed to guide and enlighten people.. Thanks for sharing.

  10. Saratu says:

    Thanks for being vulnerable and sharing. So sorry you had to experience this. All my prayers for the future

    1. ETPBLOG says:

      Thank you Saratu ❤️

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