On Saturday the 7th of September 2019, I celebrated the 5th anniversary of this wonderful blog, ElizabethTPeters.com!
It was a beautifully private affair, with only a handful of friends as my invitation said “this event is strictly by invitation so just bring your friendliest vibes as I want all my friends to become friends” and they all adhered to my strict rule against bringing plus ones haha.
The event started with an ice breaker brought up by my stylish cousin Fola Francis, in which each person would take some chin chin and the number of chin chin taken would dictate the number of things the person would have to share about themselves to the group. It was the best kept secret throughout the event as new people were encouraged to take numerous pieces by the people that already knew what was to come from it, and it was a source of laughter each time!
Toyosi with her chin-chins in hand trying to justify saying “I’m a girl” as one of her facts about herself 😂
We had a segment where people spoke about what they love about the blog and the comments really touched my heart, from remembering the struggles faced during my medical school palaver, to referencing featured writers that couldn’t keep up with their columns (AfroSuperman that’s your shade 😂) to my mom’s monthly marriage articles to how open I have become in the ETP Talks segment…it really felt like this blog actually makes an impact on people’s lives – both people I know personally as well as people that only know me via my articles. I’m so honored to have this privilege people!
Mide talking about why he loves this blog 💗
We continued the program by playing games – during charades Kelechi actually tried to describe Canada by motioning the shape of a leaf 🍁 😂😂😂
Nife describing “angel has fallen” – his team took a while to get it 😂
We had lots of food and snacks!
Cake and cupcakes were by @DedunsCakes on Instagram/Twitter
Small chops and proteins by @GeorgeSmallChops on Twitter
Jollof rice by @Chef_amakaa on Twitter – and they all came through with great taste!!
Basically, it’s like I get to have two birthdays every year now 😂❤️
Want to see more photos? Of course yes!
My guests are beautiful people after all 🙂
With Kitan & Mide, my fellow Inspire Youth Leaders Co-Founders ❤️
With Ibidapo Fashina, President of Lagos State University College of Medical Students 2018/2019 – a continuous supporter most especially throughout this past year ❤️
With Kelechi & Deji, people that need to work on their charades skills 😂
With my beautiful Omowunmi, the best of the best with welfare, she helped set up before I even got to the venue – total sweetheart 💗
With Demola, my first new friend in Housemanship – made the year more bearable with his jovial nature 💗
With Ibrahim! My partner in Paediatrics posting at the beginning as well as Obsterics and Gynaecology at the end – a cool (and hardworking) guy!
My musical couple Ebi & Moyo, known and loved them for what feels like decades, especially happy Moyo came to support me because it was on her birthday!
My uber stylish cousin Fola Francis, always ready for photos and turn up, my only close family member with me in Nigeria presently and he came through!
Adeola & Josh, my beautifully engaged friends, they make a great duo and were fun additions during the discussions ☺️
Nife! Mr muscles didn’t let his strength waste, and did lots of heavy lifting with the drinks and set up – he stayed from the beginning right to the end anddd was a constant source of banter – Nife is a blessing!
Incidentally I met Morgan on this very same rooftop at a private party and he was just so splendid so we remained friends – when he confirmed he’d be in Lagos that day, I had to invite him to come!
Remember there was a giveaway invitation to one person that wrote why they like the blog? Well that lovely winner was Dolapo Olayinka to my left and she brought Chenemi as her plus one – these ladies were amazing additions to the event and blended right in with my friends! I was so happy they came 💗
Lamba and I go way back to undergrad days but we meet up almost weekly due to him inviting me to play tennis at the Lagos country club over the year; this man is a whole mood all by himself 😂❤️
Gbenga! Known him since my first year in Nigeria when I was the medical students association’s Social Director at my first Nigerian University – He’s remained a great friend since then and an awesome source of support 💗
Team A —> B (if you know you know 😂)
Thank God we don’t look like what we’ve been through! Naphy, Omowunmi, Toyo baby – I love you girls 💗
Babade! Also met him at this very same venue, such a gentle soul and genuinely kind person, he was the engine behind a lot of the logistics of this event too – can’t be more thankful to him 💗
My Milo! My good Sis came from a wedding all the way on the mainland just to make sure she showed support – she’s a special girl 😘❤️
See fine girlsss 😍😍😍
Moyo with the cool pose thoughhhh
Excelsior ’18 ladies – Doctors with the glow ✨
End of event selfie for the road ☺️
I enjoyed the event thoroughly! I would have invited everyone I knew but then I’d have had to rent out TBS 😂
Thanks for reading my loves!
Till next time,
Dr. ETP xo