Hey lovelies!
As part of the celebrations around this blog turning 5 years old yesterday, I opened up a competition on my social media for one lucky person to win 2 tickets to my blog’s get together!
The requirement was to simply write a short piece on why you read ElizabethTPeters.com and what you hope to see on the blog in future.
The entry below is my winner because it embodies the early days of the blog, a phase I went through and documented here – and now it’s being of benefit to someone else ❤️
Have a read!
To be honest I started reading ETP blog when I was home while everyone had resumed school because, I was switching schools .
I messaged Dr Elizabeth on twitter asking for advice on how to go about the whole process and what school she thinks would be best for me, when she replied I realized that she had gone through the same process at some point so I had peace reading and following her advice.
I follow her on twitter too so, that was where I followed a link she shared to read one of her blog post, which I read and read about 2 or 3 more posts on her blog, subscribed and even receive notifications for when a new post comes in.
I totally love how the content on the blog is so relatable and as a medical student I have an insight to what house job might be like thanks to some of her blog posts. Also the important of balance and knowing how to manage work and fun because all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy..lol
I am on holiday now as a medical student and through some of the content she has shared on her blog post about the impact some of the conferences she attended made in her career journey, which she’s still on, I am making wise use of my holiday period.
I will be in contact about your prize Dolapo very soon! Thank you so much for entering this competition with such an honest input!
Till next time,
Dr. ETP xo