Thank you Jesus.
To you belongs all the glory, honour and adoration. Thank you for answering years of prayers in a way that only you could have done.
I understand that I’m not giving you guys context but don’t worry about that, the core thing here is to note that the Bible is a living book and the Words in it carry power. For years I’ve prayed for God to fix a problem and in the twinkle of an eye He did it. He fixed it in such a way that my jaw was just ajar as I heard the testimonies. Like I was stunned into silence and the first thing I did was cry tears of pure, unadulterated joy.
A huge barrier has been removed and a new bridge created. A bridge that literally only God could have made. Today in church the choir sang “made a way” by Travis Greene and I absolutely lost all composure because truly that is my testimony right now, I wept uncontrollably and prayed in the Holy Ghost because I needed God to hear my gratitude in a language only He understands – and I’m assured He received my thanks because He loves me and has made that ever so evident to me.
The point of this blogpost is to thank my Father openly, but also to encourage you to tarry in your prayers for whatsoever it is you are trusting God for; the joy I feel today is incomparably greater than how terrible I felt when the situation was ongoing – in fact I can’t even remember it right now, the joy is THAT overwhelming. So as someone on the other side of an answered prayer, I want to encourage you to keep on trusting Him – your miracle is coming at the right time.
Closing this blogpost with a song:
Come and join me sing Hallelujah,
Jehovah Jireh has done me well!
Come and join me sing hallelujah,
I am the I am has done me well!
Till next time,
Dr. ETK xo