A DECADE of blogging!!
21 year old me who started writing blogposts probably couldn’t have imagined I’d keep it going for 10 years – especially as I started writing because of a painful experience. Now, this blog has seen me write about so many wins – but also a few downs because that’s just how life is.

This blog saw me through medical school, all my sponsored travels via the IFMSA around the world, a grueling year of housemanship when I worked as a doctor in Nigeria and experienced the dysfunction personally, then packing up my life to return back to the UK and working to raise money for my UK licensing exams – only for the pandemic to put it on hold indefinitely.

The blog saw me live through a deceptive relationship that almost made me shut down my heart when I later met the love of my life – thank God for stepping in. This blog saw me through changing career paths and all the uncertainty that came with. This job saw me through being put through immense pain when attempting to get married at my former church by the marriage committee – and it was here when I made the huge decision to get married without my parents and church members present. This blog has been with me all through my beautiful marriage that’s about to be 2 years old on the 8th of this month; God has been immensely faithful in fulfilling His promises to my family.

10 years is a long time to grow and carefully share your journey through life as it happens, I’m super grateful to those who have been rocking with me all this time! It’s truly a privilege. For those who joined along the way, I hope you have enjoyed the ride and I pray this blog continues to provide support to us all, me the writer and you the readers.

Happy 10 years ETK BLOG! To many more years of beautiful blogposts ❤️
Till next time – which will be very soon!
Dr ETK xo