It only takes an emotional person to bring life into fiction. Echoes of My Journey by Oluwasegun Femi Fragile is an insightful analysis of a man’s pursuit of his choice(s) and his daily travel to his desired destination. It unveils in expressive details how he treads, adjusts to change, embraces pain and his communication with the voices in his head.
This book is an adventure embarked on with mixed feelings; a sojourn of purpose with the will to conquer oneself or not.Echoes of My Journey is set to be published in coming days. The author reveals in rational lines a diary of a man on a journey to find himself. The trip on which he thirsts to strike a balance against the heaviest storm without which it will be difficult to attain relevance.
Femi Fragile carries within him a world of limitless emotion which he always seeks to express with his heart as ink in his pen. Also known as The Cooking Pen; a writer cum cook. He is popular for his heart melting and life-schooling style of writing which he refers to as ‘personal’. He often states that everything about life is his source of inspiration.
Without doubt, this book will serve as a motivation to everyone out there battling with negativity. It is a fusion of motivation, fiction and gratitude. A blend of harsh reality and lingering hope; it strikes the mind to question the actions of the body yet leaves man something to smile about.
Though an eBook, this is one to be carried in your thoughts after several scrolls on your phone, tablet or computer. It is an imperfect but worthy work of art, you should get it.
Online stores to acquire it from will be announced on the release date: 25th of February, 2017 – TODAY!
It sells for N599 only.
Pre-ordering comes with a special motivational letter from the author to you. You can pre-order by sending a mail to with the subject ORDER THE EBOOK. further information will be communicated via mail.
“No one who is missing is capable of living. Find yourself!”
Echoes of My Journey will be the hallmark of a new beginning, for you.