
Do you actually believe?

Comments (8)
  1. Tobore says:

    This post is a miraculous one. Woke up with unbelief today but this right here just cleared all forms of doubt. God bless you

    1. admin says:

      Amen! I’m so happy you could relate, God bless you too ❤️

  2. Superman says:

    1. admin says:


  3. Fiona says:

    Hmmm!!! Sometimes we think we have faith/believe but we actuallyd do not…God help us

    1. admin says:

      Amen! Thank you for reading ❤️❤️

  4. Sonny says:

    Faith truly does move mountains. No matter how small the faith is, just work hard and keep on believing. I am a living testimony to this

  5. Sonny says:

    Faith truly does move mountains. No matter how little the faith is, just work hard and keep on believing. I am a living testimony to this

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