Hello readers, and welcome to the first post in this section called the Bez nuggets. My name is Bezaleel and you can help yourself by checking up its meaning, we all know how to use ‘google’ right? Yes. From time to time, I would be doling out nuggets to everyone who cares to read. Don’t forget that a reader is a leader. Also the nuggets are not to be followed to the letter so that you don’t hold me responsible if anything goes wrong, but trust me, nothing would go wrong.So today’s nugget, ‘count your chickens’…
We all know about the popular proverb that says ‘don’t count your chickens before they hatch’, I actually don’t know what happened to the person that started it, but I guess he counted his or her chicks while they were still in egg form and along the line, the mother hen died before she finished incubating and the eggs didn’t end up hatching, and he became depressed and probably committed suicide. But let us fast-forward to the current day society, such cannot happen, such should not happen, even if the mother hen dies, there are incubators everywhere- {some people even use light bulbs} -and you would still get your chicks as long as the eggs are viable.
I was recently drinking Coke, and I began to think – {there is something inside Coke that make great minds think, you people should try it too} – about the proverb and I felt it had to be changed, everybody should go ahead and count his or her chicks before they hatch. By doing so, you have just displayed optimism and you would even bring more fun into your life {there is actual fun in counting, I once counted to infinity twice}. Only a pessimist would have 10 eggs available to him and not anticipate and provide room for ten chicks, besides making you an optimist, it shows you have expectations, you have goals set and you are prepared to ‘score’ them literally.
This also tackles a problem in our society, most people have zero expectations about vital events and such people end up accepting anything they get since they had no expectation. If every Nigerian could learn to set expectations albeit within realistic limits, then the government would improve, the economy would be better, coaster biscuit would return to 6 instead of 4, the amount of air in peanut burger would reduce, and most importantly, 1 Dollar would become 1 Naira. I know this may sound high-falutin but it just goes a long way to show how much we expect nothing from our people. The purpose of this saying is usually to prevent us from hurting right? Just in case things don’t work out. However, in the long run, we end up not giving our best shot just because we spend our energy thinking about how hurt we will be if we can’t achieve our BIG DREAMS.
And nobody wants to get hurt. Well, hurting, is not bad every time. Sometimes, it leads to beautiful things like a baby boy or baby girl. We should change. Change is constant, you cannot just sit down there and say you won’t count your chicks, {what if the eggs get stolen, how would you know?} try and count them for once and notice if it helps.
I sincerely hope this has inspired the readers. Uncle Bez has spoken. Till we meet again, keep counting your chickens.